So recently i decided to put myself on a spending ban. Like many others i always make random purchases in shops of whatever tickles my fancy. Superdrug and boots being my downfall. This has led me to having draws of useless make up that doesn't work on me and clothes that do not fit, because of my careless spending and decided i have to stop. I always lust after designer handbags and luxury products that i say i cannot afford, the truth is if i stopped spending my money nilly willy then once in a blue moon i would be able to treat myself to things that i lust after. Seeing it from this perspective makes me excited to tighten my purse strings.
To keep me motivated on my spending ban i thought i would make a wish list of more 'Splurge' items that i lust after and i can use this to keep me on the saving band wagon! Over the next week or so i will be showing you my high end wishlist including handbags, shoes, accessories and beauty products.
Firstly i will start out with handbags, they are my absolute weakness! I work part time so as much as i love CHANEL bags they are way out of my price range. My favourite brands to buy as a treat are TED BAKER, DKNY and MICHAEL KORS.
I have a few pieces from each of these brands and i love them. TED BAKER are cute and girly and i absolutely love their purses and make up bags. DKNY and MICHAEL KORS i just love in general. I find that they are high quality and even though i still find them expensive they are affordable to a certain extent and i love treating myself to a new bag or purse when i can afford to. Below are a few things i am lusting after at the moment...
DKNY Country Crossbody |
I have the above bag in a different print and colour from a different season and as much as i love bigger tote bags i just find these much more practical for a day to day basis. This bag will be my next purchase as i know i will get more wear out of it. Link to this bag
Jet Zip Around Wallet |
Moving on to this classic MICHAEL KORS wallet, i have the IPHONE case wallet in classic black and i love it. I get so much use out of it so it would be more practical for me to have the full wallet style. I have chosen black in both of these because it goes with everything i own and will not go out of style as quickly. Link to this wallet
The above i will be trying to purchase soon, as they are practical and i know i will get a lot of wear out of them below is a clutch bag i would love however i wouldn't buy anytime soon as i know i would get limited use out of it.
This MICHAEL KORS clutch is a gorgeous raspberry pink and i feel this would make any outfit pop on and evening out to dinner or drinks. I love it! Link to this clutch
These are my wish list picks for handbags and wallets. Ive just noticed on the Harrods website that certain items are 30 percent off at the moment. So if your looking to splurge of any fashion items i would suggest having a look on there to see if you can get a discount :)
My next WISHLIST will be shoes!
Thank you for reading and follow me on twitter @abzeylouise
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