The Start of my journey to health! | Abzeylouise

Hello my lovelies!

Today is going to be a bit of a ramble so i hope your sitting comfy :)

Ive been trying to 'Diet' on and off for years now and FINALLY come the realisation that its all bunch of crap and for the last couple of years i have put on much more weight by Losing a few pounds, having an off day, Falling off the bandwagon completely, binge eating because i feel guilty and then starting back on the diet a month or so later much heavier than when i originally started.. repeat.

I had one of them moments a week or so ago when you are looking at your old facebook pictures and it hits you how different you look. I was so shocked and disgusted in myself Ive decided i never want to feel like that again. I have always been over weight and to be honest it has never really bothered me as i believe i have enough 'fake' confidence to carry myself. we all have our demons and food is mine. i just love food. Im writing this post so that in this journey i can look back at this and how i feel now when i need motivation as i have decided that from today i am having no more excuses and i am on the journey to good health.

Im fed up with my clothes not looking how i would like them too look, with my skin being dull and broken out and my energy levels low.  I want to feel good and in tip top condition and for once in my life Im not even bothered what the scales have to say for themselves. I am basing all my achievements on how i feel. Im not in this for the short term if i slip up its not the end of the world as i have the rest of my life to correct my mistake. I feel like i have a whole different over view on it this time which is why i feel so positive.

Ive decided Im not going to follow any fad diets all Im simply going to do is go back to basics and eat what i know is good for me. Im not planning on doing this over night i am doing this step by step and going to try and correct my bad habits for the long haul. I have been researching and i am going to take each day as it comes learning what works for me and what doesn't. I have been eating so crap lately that as long as i am cutting out crap little by little i will be happy and trying to make positive changes to my diet without depriving myself.

I would like to do daily check ins however i feel like i can't do this without evidence of what I'm doing is working for me if that make sense. If Im sharing with you what i am eating and how Im exercising i want to be able to say Ive been keeping this up for a month and i notice these differences.... Etc. I have no clue about healthy food yet which is why i would like to learn along the way and today is the start of my journey.

Enough of my rambling i will be doing random posts on here when i find something is working or i have found something i like. I will be joining the gym tomorrow which is a scary thought and i have prepared some whole meal pasta for the next couple of days so i avoid un healthy snacking, i have cut sweet potato in to wedges and butternut squash so it is readily pre pared i have also packaged up fruit and veg in to little pots so i can carry them around. These are a few preparations i have been making.

I have to be honest @gemsmaquilliage has given me the kick i need in the right direction so i will leave her healthy channel link HERE which is where i have been given my motivation and tips to pre prepare things and healthy recipes.

Well this is a bit of a random ramble.

The moral of this post is if i hadn't have quit all them years ago would i be at a healthy weight right now and happy with myself and the way i feel? Because we all know the worst thing about a 'diet' is trying to start again after you have quit. So today im going to try my hardest to make sure i never have to start again :)

Thanks for reading my very long pointless post. Hopefully after this they will start to be more constructive.

Thanks for reading and follow me on twitter and Instagram @abzeylouise

Do you have any tips? They will be much appreciated!

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