Welcome to Alma-Bella | ABZEYLOUISE

Ladies and Gents i present to you Alma-Bella.co.uk ( Well almost ;)

This is just a little update, for sometime now Ive been tooing and throwing the idea of buying a domain name however i also wanted a unique name for my blog.. something that would help my blog be different rather than just my name which i was starting to think sounded childish compared to everyone else's amazing creative names. However for the last year nothing has really stood out to me and i didn't want to choose a name i wasn't a 100 percent happy with and that i would get bored of.

My love for blogging is growing and i want to branch out of just hair and beauty and maybe start sharing some more personal posts with you amongst other things. As a person i am very deep thinking towards other people i do not judge and i look for the inner beauty of people before i see there physical appearance and 100 percent agree that inner beauty shines through. I wanted my blog to represent that and when a spanish friend left a comment on a Facebook photo i fell in love. This is was the beginning of Alma Bella.

Alma Bella translates from spanish to Beautiful soul and i find this very fitting and i love it.

Alma-Bella.co.uk will be live in the next 24 hours as this is just one of many changes happening at the moment.

Ross has been working hard on a new layout and design and i must say a massive thank you because i am absolutely in LOVE with it. If you would like help or a new layout for your blog you can contact him at @essex_designs and he will be able to sort you out Im sure. He's a diamond and this blog would be non existent without him.

 Im very in to cutesy designs and this is my personality in a blog design. Im definitely trying to make this space more ME so that you can maybe get a more personal feel when reading my posts as i like to think its like having a little chat over a cute little pot of tea and a few biscuits.

New feature to my blog also include main page advertising which will be updated soon and a link to chat if you ever have any questions this is available in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, also a sign up service if you ever want to be updated with any new information to do with Alma-Bella :)

In the near future i would really like to venture in to raising money for a special charity close my heart but we will leave that for a different blog post.. However any suggestions are much appreciated.

Thank you so much for reading and if you can follow/add me on the following.

Instagram- Abzeylouise
Twitter- Abzeylouise

What do you think of the new layout and changes? Please let me know!

Abby xx

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